Forums - CvS2: A-Groove for Dummies Show all 65 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CvS2: A-Groove for Dummies ( Posted by Gunter on 01:30:2002 09:54 AM: CvS2: A-Groove for Dummies I believe that I can pass the written test when it comes to A-Groove in CvS2. It's the driving test that brings me down. Here’s the A-Groove crib sheet so that you too can pass the written test. I think that by now people know the basics of what makes a good CC - powerful hits for the first 9, then fast hits thereafter, end w/ a super. I won't get into that. What I'm out to do with this post is provide information on maximizing the potential of A-Groove by giving methods of actual execution, and also pointers on how to connect your CCs. Some of this information may be new to you. For those of us who have been using A-Groove extensively, it’s probably common knowledge. If that’s the case, don’t bother reading this post. I don’t want to hear “nice post, but I knew that already”. Some people are considering using A-Groove but lack the basic knowledge to create an original CC for themselves. For those of you out there looking to learn A-Groove, read on… GROUND CCs =========== -Hit and Approach CCs- When you attack your opponent, you are pushed back a bit. If you combo several hits together, you are pushed back even more. Ideally, you want to use a high-damage AND forward-moving attack, so that your “pushback” is negated by your forward movement. Some characters are capable of doing this – Benimaru, Maki, Mai, etc. However, some characters’ forward-moving attacks are not their most damaging – Ken’s normal s.roundhouses are more damaging than his twd.roundhouse, Kyo’s s.roundhouse is more damaging than his d/f roundhouse, Iori’s s.fierce is more damaging than his twd.strong, etc. Taking this into account, for optimal damage you should do the more damaging hit until you are pushed back too far to continue, yet can still connect the forward-moving attack. Once you are close enough to hit with the more damaging attack, switch back to that. After the 9th hit, you can just continue with the transportation move until just before the CC ends. Then tack on your super. Example – (Iori) close s.roundhouse x2, far s.fierce, twd.strong x3, far s.fierce x2, twd.strong xN, s.fierce, QCT-HCB+P Iori’s close s.roundhouse is more damaging than his close s.fierce, but after 2 you are pushed back too far. Switch to his far s.fierce, which is more damaging than his far s.roundhouse. At this point, you’re too far to connect any more fierces or roundhouses, so you get closer with twd.strong. After 3 you can connect 2 more damaging far s.fierces, then continue with twd.strong until the CC timer is almost over, then use s.fierce to create stun so that the following super is easier to connect. -The Crouching Forward Tricks- Ground CCs are all well and good, but the reality is that you are rarely ever close enough to land them. Obviously, if your opponent whiffs a DP or Flash Kick type move, you can nail them with a Ground CC as they are falling. If they try to throw you, you can counter them by activating and doing your Ground CC then, too. However, other than rolling in and/or blindly activating a CC and simply HOPE that you can connect it, Ground CCs aren’t very practical. Or are they? I said before that you want to begin your CCs with a fierce or roundhouse move, for optimal damage. However, because these hits are SLOWER than the others, you may find yourself being hit out of CCs when trying to connect a CC as a counter to your opponent’s mistake – the infamous “counter DP”. You activate and press roundhouse, but because your opponent has fast reflexes, they counter your CC with a DP. In CvS2, activating a CC doesn’t freeze your opponent, so it isn’t that hard to do. One move makes Ground CCs’ success rate skyrocket in this situation more than any other – c.forward. With almost every character in the game, c.forward is fast and NOT a knockdown. Because of its speed, you can activate and use c.forward to connect your CC before your opponent can counter. Use c.forward as an introductory move – you sacrifice a bit of damage for this one hit, but by doing this you are able to connect your WHOLE custom instead of going for maximum damage with a fierce introductory hit, and getting HIT out of it and getting NOTHING for your efforts That’s Trick #1. However, the title of this section is Crouching Forward TRICKS – in the plural form. The best trick for c.forward comes in the situation most people would least suspect – anti-air. As with all Capcom fighting games after ST, trip-guard is in effect in CvS2. Trip-guard is the feature where you are able to block immediately upon landing. HOWEVER, trip-guard is NOT in effect if the person jumping does a move in the air – a jumpkick, a special move, etc. Combine this with the fact that you have 12 frames of invincibility upon activation and you can counter your opponent’s jumping attack by activating your CC and doing a c.forward. Your invincibility causes your opponent’s attack to pass through you, and because they did a move they are unable to block the c.forward. Continue with your CC from there. JUGGLING CCs ============= -Knockdown moves- In order for a Juggling CC to work, the first hit must either ITSELF be a knockdown move, or be the first part of a 2-in-1into a knockdown move. This is especially important to understand when attempting to create an anti-air Juggling CC. Let’s take a look at Kim – his Upkick (charge down, u+P) is a knockdown, as is his Flash Kick (charge down, u+K). However, in an anti-air situation it is difficult to activate your CC and connect with either of these moves as an introductory move. In much the same fashion as the first c.forward trick above, you ideally want to start with a faster normal and then combo into the knockdown special. So you try doing a c.fierce, and then combo that into a Jab Upkick. However, if you hesitate even a bit between the two moves, you’ll find that the Upkick will whiff. This is because you didn’t correctly 2-in-1 the Upkick. If you do the d-u motion a bit faster, you will be able to connect the Upkick, and continue the combo from there. -Rolling CCs- In a juggling CC, your hits will send your character flying away from you. You need a method of getting close so you can hit them again. Rolling (jab+short) is a convenient way of doing so, as all characters in A-Groove have a roll. Let’s take Sagat for example. Activate your CC and do a c.roundhouse sweep. This is obviously a knockdown, so you are able to juggle with a close s.fierce. If you do 2 close s.fierces and cancel the second into a roll, you will be in good position to connect 2 more close s.fierces (if you only do one close s.fierce, you’ll find that they are not knocked high enough to continue the combo, so it’s better to do 2). You can continue this pattern of close s.fierce x2-roll all the way across the screen, and then at the end you finish the combo with a High Tiger super. -Interruption CCs- During a custom, you can cancel most specials into a normal or another special at any point. You can also cancel any normal into a special at any point in its animation. Learning to utilize these tactics will improve your game play immensely. Let’s take a look at Kyo to understand how this can be taken advantage of. His DP is obviously a knockdown – this allows you to juggle afterwards. However, using the DP by itself is pretty useless – outside of the corner you can’t do much afterward. You knock your opponent too far away to continue it Midscreen. Unless you cancel it. Remember that you use his d/f roundhouse to move him forward in his Ground CC. You can do the same in a Juggling CC if you cancel the DP while his feet are still on the ground. So you do a Strong DP (more damaging than Jab, and only one hit, so it doesn’t affect scaling as much as his Fierce DP), and cancel that into his d/f roundhouse. When you are in range, you do another Strong DP. It doesn’t matter if the animation to the d/f roundhouse is done or not – it’s a normal, so you can cancel it into a special at any point. Keep doing Strong DPs canceled into d/f roundhouse until you reach the corner. Ryu can do the same thing with his Hopkick. Cancel a Fierce DP into a Hopkick and you can do another DP. However, at some point you will be too far to connect another DP. You need to do something to close the gap between you and your opponent. You can obviously also cancel into a roll. You can do a Fierce DP-Hopkick pattern twice, then cancel the next DP with a roll. Now you’ll be in the same position as the beginning of the combo. You could alternately do Fierce DP-Rush Punch, and then do Fierce DP-roll after that one pattern. You can also cancel into a GROUND Short HK. Play with it to see what pattern you like best. Also, with the Sagat Rolling CC example given above, you can replace the c.roundhouse with a Jab DP. You’ll land in time to connect another DP, but this time make it Strong so that you get more damage. Before you leave the ground, cancel that into a roll. You’ll be in the perfect position to connect another Strong DP, and cancel that with another roll. At this point your roll is taking you just a bit too far. If you do the same pattern you might roll past them the next time. I like to hit with the next Strong DP just a bit early. You still get maximum damage, but by doing it earlier, you can land and be in the perfect position to do Strong DP-roll and not roll past them again. Some people like to do a Jab DP instead, others may feel safer doing Strong DP-close s.fierce-roll. Do whatever is easiest for you. -Jumping CCs- The obvious way to close the gap between you and your opponent is by jumping towards them. CvS2 A-Groove CCs allow you to do Marvel-esque air combos If you hit them with a knockdown. However, you need to do something so that you can knock them down AND still be in a position to jump after them. In Marvel, you would hit them with a “launcher”. In CvS2, you can do the same thing. Just about any standing normal can act as a launcher to some extent, but s.jab is probably the most universal. With just about anyone in the game you can sweep, s.jab, then jump after them with your choice of jumping attack. However, you are obviously sacrificing a lot of damage by choosing to do a s.jab. Remember that if you HIT with a normal, you can cancel the animation of that hit by doing any other normal. This is common sense when doing a Bootleg CC (repeated one button CCs). However, this is especially important when attempting to do a jumping CC. Take Blanka for example. You can sweep (knockdown) and combo into a s.fierce. This acts as a launcher, but you are stuck in the animation of the fierce too long to jump after them and combo them. If you whiff a jab or short at this point, you can cancel the animation of the fierce, and recover from the animation of the jab or short in time to superjump at them and hit them with a sj.roundhouse. You can obviously combine this information with the knowledge you gained in the Interruption CCs section. With Benimaru, in an anti-air situation you can activate and do his DP+K move. This is a knockdown, so you can juggle afterwards. However, canceling that Kick DP into a roll isn’t very productive. Cancel into a c.short instead. It will whiff, but the recovery on the whiff is so short that you can jump up and fierce your opponent. Connect 2 fierces in the air, land, then jump up and hit them again. This CC is so simple it’s almost hilarious. The only part that’s hard is canceling the Kick DP so that you remain grounded. Well, those are all the tricks of the trade that come to mind. Hopefully it’ll help people to make their own original, yet still damaging, CCs. Posted by WKDCLWN on 01:30:2002 10:21 AM: Very informative Gunter and appreciated. I am a newbie a CC's and all is appreciated. Ok I have been trying to find a CC for Da man Booker Z, do you have any ideas? Will that roll tatic you talked about work? Man I hope so I have a scrubby one in the corner....but fuck....who doesn't. Posted by psx2000 on 01:30:2002 10:59 AM: Dammmmmmmm Gunter NICE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Gunter on 01:30:2002 04:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by WKDCLWN Very informative Gunter and appreciated. I am a newbie a CC's and all is appreciated. Ok I have been trying to find a CC for Da man Booker Z, do you have any ideas? Will that roll tatic you talked about work? Man I hope so I have a scrubby one in the corner....but fuck....who doesn't. If it worked, I would have said so in the Zangief thread. He has no midscreen other than the ones I listed there. Zangief's roll is too long in comparison to the speed of his opponent's falling sprite. The best he can do is c.forward, 3 fierces, FAB. This is still over 6000 damage, so albeit VERY hard to do, it's not that bad. Posted by Tuff Daddy on 01:30:2002 06:01 PM: Question about King CC's. Are there any other mid-screen to corner customs which don't involve rolling? I have been trying some ground CC's that just don't work i.e. activate, c.rh, lk venom strike, lk tornado kick, s.hp but that won't get them into the corner. She can land CC easily off j.rh, c.forward, xx Mirage Kick, activate. What is the most damaging CC at this point? I can never seem to connect an Illusion Dance at the end. Posted by Gunter on 01:31:2002 12:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by Tuff Daddy Question about King CC's. Are there any other mid-screen to corner customs which don't involve rolling? I have been trying some ground CC's that just don't work i.e. activate, c.rh, lk venom strike, lk tornado kick, s.hp but that won't get them into the corner. She can land CC easily off j.rh, c.forward, xx Mirage Kick, activate. What is the most damaging CC at this point? I can never seem to connect an Illusion Dance at the end. This appeared in the thread at quote: Originally posted by ShinkuuR Um...sweep, c.FP, Double Strike, Tornado Kick, Double Strike, Tornado Kick X2,...You should be in the corner and free to do whatever...If not then keep alternating Double Strikes and Tornado Kicks and mess around with it....Jimmy it if you will... The damage on the Double Strike hits isn't that high, but it gets you to the corner. You can do Trap Shots there, and use different strengths according to the time remaining on the CC meter. If you combo a c.fierce from that, landing an Illusion Dance shouldn't be that hard. I know the guidebook had a jumping one. If you sweep then whiff c.short, I know you can land sj.strongs pretty easily. You can also land sj.roundhouses, but it's difficult to continue with those. I haven't played w/ King too much yet, but that should do for starters. Posted by cheese_master on 01:31:2002 04:58 PM: Sup Gunter, Thanks for alot of this A groove stuff you posted. I knew some of it, but alot of helped clear up things that I wasn't sure about. Now I remember you had written about A groove Kyo a while ago. I checked out the thread. You said he was an excellent A groove character... but my question is: Is Kyo really worth playing in A groove over his N and C groove incarnations? I mean after Rugal... Kyo has prolly some of the most damaging combos in C and N groove. I was just wondering what aspect A groove Kyo has that makes him more appealing... I know he has some good customs... but are they comparable to the damage he can dish out w/ C groove cancels? Or are they worth ditching N groove low jumps and running for? Thanks in advance. Posted by Gunter on 01:31:2002 06:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master Sup Gunter, Thanks for alot of this A groove stuff you posted. I knew some of it, but alot of helped clear up things that I wasn't sure about. Now I remember you had written about A groove Kyo a while ago. I checked out the thread. You said he was an excellent A groove character... but my question is: Is Kyo really worth playing in A groove over his N and C groove incarnations? I mean after Rugal... Kyo has prolly some of the most damaging combos in C and N groove. I was just wondering what aspect A groove Kyo has that makes him more appealing... I know he has some good customs... but are they comparable to the damage he can dish out w/ C groove cancels? Or are they worth ditching N groove low jumps and running for? Thanks in advance. The thing about A-Groove is that it does extremely good damage in an anti-air/ground-to-ground counter situation. The basic Kyo Anti-Air (Strong DPs with some sort of transportation, ending with super) does something like 8200 (incl. counter hit), and I know he can do over 9000 with OTGs and such. I dunno if that's "comparable" to the anti-air/ground counter damage in C or N... As far as from a jump in/c.short, Kyo can still do over 7000 easily. Plus he has a dizzy combo with a CC stuck in the middle. I don't know the exact sequence, but that involves an OTG as well. But it's hard to say which groove to recommend him for. Kyo's insane in N, I know. But whether or not you should use him in A depends on your other characters. In CvS2, it's not about what groove your CHARACTER is best in, but what groove your TEAM is best in. Posted by magnus on 01:31:2002 08:23 PM: thanks gunter for providing a better insight on the potentials of a groove. i'm sure this will improve the game of lots of a groove players and maybe opening up the minds of others to a groove. mag Posted by Slash on 02:01:2002 06:24 AM: Seriously...that is awesome Gunter. I'll have to read more later. Thanks Gunter. Posted by hyt on 02:01:2002 02:22 PM: Gunter: I believe the Kyo OTG Dizzy combo goes like this, j.HP, s.RK, qcf+RK, RK, dp+RK (2 hits), CC, any juggle to OTG (qcf+LP, hcb+LP - both whiff -, LP -OTG -), c.LK, c.HP (CC ends), qcf+RK, RK, dp+RK. The initial combo gets you halfway there. Then the CC keeps the dizzy meter from resetting. I saw it in a vid and I noticed how the guy linked a c.MP to a s.MP. WTF? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:01:2002 04:35 PM: am i a dummy if i bumped into this thread? Posted by VanDread_431 on 02:01:2002 05:19 PM: huh a grove sucks................ Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 02:01:2002 05:31 PM: Re: huh quote: Originally posted by VanDread_431 a grove sucks................ You gain an ability which can be activated on the ground or in the air, makes you invincible for a small period of time, can end up doing 50-90% damage on equal ratios (depending on the character of course), and is activated just by pressing two buttons. And A-Groove has rolling, and thus RCing. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by strider86 on 02:02:2002 12:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000 Dammmmmmmm Gunter NICE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thumbs up from another a-groove enthusiast wish i could pull the advance stuff though Posted by Gunter on 02:02:2002 06:02 AM: Re: huh quote: Originally posted by VanDread_431 a grove sucks................ As does, apparently, the educational system in your area. A-Groove is for skilled players. C-Groove is for you. (To the mods - I will not be nice to trolls and lemmings.) Posted by shadowcharlie on 02:03:2002 04:14 AM: gunter, what are the limitations of some chars, m bison has 900o damage combos while osme chars like yun can barelly pull 6500o, what accounts for this? Posted by Havoc911 on 02:03:2002 05:00 AM: Well, if you understand the A-Groove damage formula, that's a pretty simple question to answer. Basically, if a character has strong moves which come out quickly, and don't do multiple hits, plus moves that do a large number of hits in a very short amount of time, you can do big damage in CCs. You do the strong, quick, single hit moves within the first 9 hits of the CC and the quick combo moves afterwards to build the pixel damage portion of the CC. Also, characters need to be able to do their best moves in rapid succesion without having to waste time. Someone like Yun, who has decent tools for CCs, has to waste a lot of time during CCs, so he can't get very high damage. It also helps damage to be able to combo into CCs with a strong combo like Bison, Rugal, Kyo or a number of other characters can. This counteracts the significant damage scaling in CCs by doing the major damage before the CC even starts. There's also the issue of position, and move properties. A character like Honda has moves that hit hard and singularly, and he also has a rapid attack. However, the properties of his moves keep him from having really good CCs. Anyway, yeah, that's about it. Posted by Gunter on 02:03:2002 06:39 AM: Havoc911 summed it up perfectly, however Honda DOES indeed have an 8000+ midscreen CC (well, including a pre-CC jump-in). It's going to be on a new combo video I'm working on with Xerocrew, but it's basically Headbutts... with a twist. =) Posted by Gunter on 02:03:2002 07:08 AM: These are must-reads for anyone considering using A-Groove - margalis's write-up on the A-groove damage formula and rules: My translation of an article in Arcadia magazine about A-Groove: James Chen's CvS2 System & Combo Guide Posted by chun_li1 on 02:04:2002 01:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter Havoc911 summed it up perfectly, however Honda DOES indeed have an 8000+ midscreen CC (well, including a pre-CC jump-in). It's going to be on a new combo video I'm working on with Xerocrew, but it's basically Headbutts... with a twist. =) That mid CC w/ Honda, does it go like, after knock down HP, HK hit them w/ the headbutt at such an angle that they bounce forward over you and are still near you? chun_li1 Posted by DirtyShin on 02:06:2002 04:00 PM: I'm looking for Benimaru strongest CC....or maybe he doesn't have one. Well actually...i'm looking for his strongest...Anti-air CC. Posted by Gunter on 02:06:2002 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by DirtyShin I'm looking for Benimaru strongest CC....or maybe he doesn't have one. Well actually...i'm looking for his strongest...Anti-air CC. activate, DP+RH-whiff c.short, [j.fierce x2, land] xN, in the corner mash on j.fierce, land, QCTx2+K Posted by loki on 02:06:2002 07:56 PM: WOW.... this is informative stuff. thanks a ton. this really makes me want to work on CC's with the "activate cc, then c.forward" trick, people will be afraid to jumpin against me now. thanks! Posted by KINGDOM on 02:06:2002 09:26 PM: To Gunter: Do you have the time to make a comprehensive A-Groove MOST DAMAGING or MOST TOURNEY-FRIENDLY Combos List? It'd be great if you did. It'd help us scrubs come up with variations, too. I'm just beginning on A-Groove, since N and K are getting boring. Posted by Gunter on 02:06:2002 11:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by KINGDOM To Gunter: Do you have the time to make a comprehensive A-Groove MOST DAMAGING or MOST TOURNEY-FRIENDLY Combos List? It'd be great if you did. It'd help us scrubs come up with variations, too. I'm just beginning on A-Groove, since N and K are getting boring. When I have the time, maybe. tragic's borrowing my guidebook right now anyway, so I can't do much. But the term "tourney-friendly" really only depends on how much practice time you invest in learning the combo. As with anything, if you practice it, you will perfect it. And you will be able to pull it off in a tourney. For now, check the Arcadia article I translated (the link is pasted in a previous post). Posted by KINGDOM on 02:07:2002 02:47 AM: Actually, I've checked that article out a lot. Great article, by the way. Posted by Yamizaki on 02:07:2002 08:48 AM: I have decent ideas for CCs, you may have seen them already but I'll tell ya just in case. Now if yer a player like me, you have excellent tactical knowledge but yer not to good on executing the trickier combos. You might want stuff that's VERY easy to do, but tactically viable. All of these listed will be done when both you and yer opponent are grounded, preferrably the best time to start the CC is immediately after the enemy does his CC "Flash" or when they wiff a move with lag-time. Where I put x (?) jus do the move before for as much meter as you have then when it's down to like 5% do the noted super... Ken: Repeat S.HK x (?), Jab DP, Shinryuken (QCFx2+K) 46-52% Benimaru: Repeat S.HP x (?), Electric Dash (QCFx2+K)41-47% Terry: Repeat S.HK x(?), Power Geyser (dunno the motion...)41-47% Repeat Rising Tackle (D,U+P) x (?), Power Geyser 36-42% Rock: Repeat Rising Tackle x (?), Raising Strom (QCFx2+P) 41-47% Repeat Rising Tackle x (?), Dash Punch (QCFx2+K)41-47% Haohamru: Repeat S.HP x (?), Upper-Slash Super (QCFx2+P)36-42% Damages are same-to-same ratio... Posted by Gunter on 02:07:2002 04:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yamizaki Ken: Repeat S.HK x (?), Jab DP, Shinryuken (QCFx2+K) 46-52% Actually, after a while, you'll be pushed back too far to continue this combo. You have to use twd.roundhouse after a few hits. When you're close enough, you can switch back to s.roundhouse again, then keep doing twd.roundhouse till the end of the meter. This is actually his most damaging ground combo... Posted by tragic on 02:07:2002 11:45 PM: quote: "When I have the time, maybe. tragic's borrowing my guidebook right now anyway, so I can't do much." I'LL NEVER GIVE THAT BOOK BACK. MUAHAHAHAHA! tragic Posted by SF__God_ on 02:08:2002 09:43 AM: What would you say are the most absolute scrub friendly A-groove combos you could think of? I have been playing around with A-groove for a little bit and enjoy using Dhalsim for his nonstop slide action, Mai for the same reason, and Ken for his neverending kick one. What are some other REALLY easy to use and practical but at least decent (not trying for any super damage here) damage CC's? Posted by Gunter on 02:08:2002 08:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by SF__God_ What would you say are the most absolute scrub friendly A-groove combos you could think of? I have been playing around with A-groove for a little bit and enjoy using Dhalsim for his nonstop slide action, Mai for the same reason, and Ken for his neverending kick one. What are some other REALLY easy to use and practical but at least decent (not trying for any super damage here) damage CC's? The Bootleg CC thread had a few listed - Posted by GreatAngle21 on 02:10:2002 06:14 AM: This goes kind of OT but how efficeintly can you pull off CC's in a match Tragic? Can you usually do CC's without screwing up? Do you change the CC's in a match to a easier ver? Posted by ShadowEdge on 02:10:2002 06:52 AM: Wow... this is great and very useful. Thanks Posted by pirate360 on 02:14:2002 06:40 PM: Great Work... I am really goo at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Really good. I had never played Capcom vs. SNK 2 before reading this guide. Now, I am really good at Capcom vs. SNK 2. Really good. My total record in that game is 113-0. My MvC record is 476-0. Without your guide, my CvSNK record would be a very mediocre 60-53. Also, do you have any tips for using Balrog (American) in a-groove? Posted by Raz0r on 02:14:2002 09:24 PM: Bootleg CC's? I think I got one with Yamazaki. . . In the corner: Activate CC, sweep, QCB+Strong times 3, s. fierce until bar is about to run out, QCFx2+P super. Oh yeah. Posted by pirate360 on 02:16:2002 12:17 PM: A-groove Good advice... Posted by emagneto on 02:18:2002 11:18 AM: yea Posted by TheRisingDragon on 02:22:2002 09:57 AM: You got any decent ones for Rugal that I can start up with? I'd like to expand on this A-Groove thing. RAAAAHHHH!!!! Posted by faijia on 02:24:2002 10:34 PM: Know any good cc for guile or blanka. I have never seen one for guile before. Posted by Havoc911 on 02:24:2002 11:07 PM: For Rugal, you have the infamous God Press-> CC (Since, it's in the corner you can just do whatever you want, but most people do a few s. RH's and then God Press xN XX Gigantic Pressure). He can also CC after a Dark Smash. The one I use is just: s. SP XX God Press-> Whatever corner CC I feel like doing For anti-air I do: Roundhouse Genocide Cutter XX Fierce God Press-> corner CC. For Blanka, there's the tragic CC, which is IIRC (I don't use Blanka) cr. RH-> s. FP XX [Jungle Hop-> s. FP x2] xN-> Ground Shave Roll For Guile (another character I don't use) there's the Ghetto Supreme CC, which is just a few s. RH's followed by repeated f+FK XX Super That's all I have for these guys. Maybe someone who actually uses Guile or Blanka in A-Groove can help you out. Posted by SuperNewbie on 02:26:2002 01:02 AM: Good Characters for A-Groove? Can some of you A-Groove experts come up with a list of characters that would do well in A-Groove? I really wanna try A-Groove out but have no clue which ones would do well in the groove. Do well as in be able to hold their own against C-Groove Sagats and Blankas for instance. Posted by GeekBoy on 02:28:2002 04:59 AM: Anybody who can do more damage in CCs than in their normal supers are good in A. The ones that really shine are Kyo, Eagle, and Bison. A lot of other good people in A, just can't think of any right now. Posted by GalzPanic on 03:01:2002 07:02 AM: My definition of a good A-groove character is one that has more than a ground CC. If you have an anti-air/guard crush/block damage CC, you have a strong case for using that character in A-groove. Posted by Gunter on 03:04:2002 06:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by KINGDOM To Gunter: Do you have the time to make a comprehensive A-Groove MOST DAMAGING or MOST TOURNEY-FRIENDLY Combos List? It'd be great if you did. It'd help us scrubs come up with variations, too. I'm just beginning on A-Groove, since N and K are getting boring. Posted by BrazilionBH on 03:05:2002 04:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by faijia Know any good cc for guile or blanka. I have never seen one for guile before. Listin blankas cc is to hard to risk and not that damaging but he is good to work up a meter and chip away at the opponent but if you must it sweep,S.feirce (blanka hop(3xkicks)feircex2)repeat till corner then just RHs till the cc almost ends then the kick super but make sure you time the super so all the hits hit. Posted by BrazilionBH on 03:05:2002 04:49 AM: Re: Good Characters for A-Groove? quote: Originally posted by SuperNewbie Can some of you A-Groove experts come up with a list of characters that would do well in A-Groove? I really wanna try A-Groove out but have no clue which ones would do well in the groove. Do well as in be able to hold their own against C-Groove Sagats and Blankas for instance. go here. Posted by toeblur on 03:07:2002 08:49 AM: Yo Gunter, your site kicks sum serious ass! here in Auckland nz too many people bust you for playing anything but C-groove and N-groove, but thanks to you (and a couple others) A-groove maybe the best from now on. any more tips for my A-groove team Eagle, Chun-li and Yama? much appreciated! (I know Yama doesnt have a really great cc)...peace Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 03:08:2002 06:08 AM: Good post Gunter. Very informative my good man. Posted by Battousai on 03:10:2002 07:48 AM: hey everyone... i'm really new to A-Groove... well i seem to turn on the CC at the dumbest times... and i just seem to lose it... so besides when i character whiffs a move... what is a good time to activate the CC??? like ideas for setups and things like that would really help... Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:12:2002 03:49 PM: Does anyone know any combo/B&B into activating with Ken and Ryu? Posted by Havoc911 on 03:13:2002 02:36 AM: You really have to come up with your own set-ups for CCs to be effective. There aren't any universal set-ups (and even if there were, they wouldn't work after a week, anyway. Kinda like DC ISPs ). Posted by WKDCLWN on 03:14:2002 01:41 PM: Nice work Gunter. Your website is very imformative and useful. I have already *cough* borrowed *cough* a few combos from it What I am having problems doing is that damn Bison combo though. I can't seem to get the damn repeated uppercut+puch move flowing. Does anyone have any pointers. I can only get two or three(usually two ) before I fuck it up. Maybe some timing ideas or something. OK off to try AGAIN in practice mode Posted by Gunter on 03:15:2002 05:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by SacTown_Boi Does anyone know any combo/B&B into activating with Ken and Ryu? Unfortunately Ken and Ryu can't combo a CC off of their specials unless they are in the corner. You can technically CC off of normals even midscreen, but the timing needs to be precise. Plus, since hits prior to activation still go toward the first 10 hits which scale, it's really only worth it to combo after a jump-in. So, jump in fierce or roundhouse, activate, sweep-dp-roll/combo of choice. In the corner, Ryu can activate and combo after an air HK which hits a grounded opponent, and both Ryu AND Ken can activate and combo after a Jab DP in the corner. Posted by Gin'iro Dangan on 03:18:2002 11:41 PM: haha,this is my 50th post Posted by The Dark Evil on 03:19:2002 01:18 AM: hey gunter,when i set up terry's CC,i always mess up,how come?This is what i do in training mode,activate,,lk cracked shoe(i like to call it that),and then i fuck up,i can't connect the c.hp for some reason,i've even alternated between the kicks for the cracked shoe,but i just can't connect it,what am i doing wrong? Posted by shadowcharlie on 03:22:2002 03:22 AM: gunter: iv been messing around with kim in a groove and got this little crap going activate anywhere s.hkX(?)???? the standing heavy kick is pretty good i mean solid damage and moves ya foward, the only problem im running into is the timing on it is really tight, if i do i too fast he goes into he other stance, if i do it slower then he doesnt combo also whats a good way to finish it? Posted by Gunter on 03:22:2002 10:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by shadowcharlie gunter: iv been messing around with kim in a groove and got this little crap going activate anywhere s.hkX(?)???? the standing heavy kick is pretty good i mean solid damage and moves ya foward, the only problem im running into is the timing on it is really tight, if i do i too fast he goes into he other stance, if i do it slower then he doesnt combo also whats a good way to finish it? That's actually one of his best CCs. You should start it with a double down stomp so your opponent stands up. After 8 roundhouses, switch to roundhouse half moon slashes. Keep doing this until you get to the corner, then just before the super ends hit them with a LAUNCH super. You can then hit them with up to 3 Tiger Knee Stomps. When you don't juggle them at any point in the combo, you're able to get all 3. If you sweep before the launch super, you can only get 2 Tiger Knees. Posted by Gunter on 03:22:2002 10:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Dark Evil hey gunter,when i set up terry's CC,i always mess up,how come?This is what i do in training mode,activate,,lk cracked shoe(i like to call it that),and then i fuck up,i can't connect the c.hp for some reason,i've even alternated between the kicks for the cracked shoe,but i just can't connect it,what am i doing wrong? If you start it with a footsweep, just go straight into a c.fierce. You don't need a crack shoot at all. Just do c.roundhouse, then do 4 reps of c.fierce, Fierce Burn Knuckle till the corner. Posted by strider86 on 03:23:2002 03:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter If you start it with a footsweep, just go straight into a c.fierce. You don't need a crack shoot at all. Just do c.roundhouse, then do 4 reps of c.fierce, Fierce Burn Knuckle till the corner. or you can sweep jab burn knuckle down fierce strong burn knuckle then the combo! hehe gunter's the greatest! err about your site are you gonna update it gunter? Posted by shadowcharlie on 03:23:2002 03:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter That's actually one of his best CCs. You should start it with a double down stomp so your opponent stands up. After 8 roundhouses, switch to roundhouse half moon slashes. Keep doing this until you get to the corner, then just before the super ends hit them with a LAUNCH super. You can then hit them with up to 3 Tiger Knee Stomps. When you don't juggle them at any point in the combo, you're able to get all 3. If you sweep before the launch super, you can only get 2 Tiger Knees. thanks man, any tips on getting the timing down? its hard as hell not to go into the stance for me Posted by J.Howard on 03:23:2002 09:09 AM: I need help with a CC with Geese. I usually come in with j.HK, s.HP, QCB+HP, activate CC. From here I'm lost. I don't own it at home so I can't practice withot waisting money. Posted by toeblur on 03:23:2002 09:21 AM: Hey guys, been busting the A-groove at the local, but i always seem to muck it up like the timing is off or sumthing, i seem to even have trouble with the ones i can do with my eyes closed (like Eagles ground cc, and Todos ground cc) any tips for the arcade? i hate to resort back to N-groove against scrubs just coz i get my timing wrong. any advise would be great Oh... and Gunter, any solid cc's for Geese and, ive got a few Ghetto cc's with them, but... nothing spectacular anything would be much appreciated. peace... and GO A-GROOVE! Posted by Spartanic on 03:23:2002 04:01 PM: sup ive been workin on my a groove i believe me not being able to do AA CC is hurtin my game so i got a quick question for kyo[ dp+st - whiff df.rh ] x8, qcb,hcf+p wat do u mean by whiff like canceling right after the dp hits? this applies for iori too like somtimes i would be able to do it the dp and cancel right away to 2x c.fp with iori but sometimes i cant... do i hafta let the person jumping in land deep before i dp them? i quess activating and doin it spaces the timing but i was in practice wit my friend and seemed kinda hard any tips on doin AA ccs greatly appreciated Posted by Havoc911 on 03:23:2002 09:36 PM: Here's how it works. Since the anti-air moves for Kyo and Iori (and almost everyone) takes the character off of the ground, you have to cancel the DP early to prevent this from happening (since you want to cancel into a ground move. For this reason, it is easiest if you activate the custom once the opponent is deep, so you hit them early in the AA so you can cancel while still on the ground. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:15 AM. Show all 65 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.